Home-School Communication
The school aims to ensure that all community members are kept up to date with any relevant school information. Our main means of communication will be through our college app.
The Sancta Maria College app can be downloaded via the App Store or the Play Store.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Dates are shared via the School Calendar at the beginning of the school year. Positive and prompt communication is very important to us here at Sancta Maria College. Should you have a query please do not hesitate to call our email the college.
School Day
School starts each morning at 8:30am and continues until 3:35pm. There are nine classes each day from Monday to Thursday. On Friday there are six classes and school finishes at 12:45 p.m.
There are two breaks during the school day, a short 15-minute break at 10:30am and a 50-minute lunch break from 12:45-1:45 p.m.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Year students eat on the premises, while TY, 5th and 6th Year students are allowed to go off-site, should they so wish.
Junior Cycle students whose parents specifically request, in writing, that their daughter be allowed home for lunch are facilitated in doing so. This facility is only in place for students who are going either to their own home or to the home of a close family member and a written request must be received from the parent or guardian, and must specify to whose home the student is going. A contact name and number for that home must be supplied. Please note that this information can only be accepted at the start of the academic year.
Supervised Study
Research shows that a good study routine is essential for success; every effort is made to facilitate and to promote teaching and learning, both during and after school. Supervised study enables students to establish and maintain a structured approach to study without distraction which can reap rich rewards.
Supervised study is offered to all students Monday–Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In the latter half of the school year, should demand warrant its provision, supervised study sessions are offered during midterm and holiday breaks.