“TY is a one-year optional programme available to all post-primary schools and is offered as part of the senior cycle experience. The programme offers a unique opportunity in senior cycle, insulated from stresses and anxieties that can be associated with the academic treadmill, where schools and communities can collaborate to encourage young people to thrive now and into the future. During TY students can develop more mature relationships with teachers and other adults and become more informed about the purpose of education and their role in society. A TY programme should be inclusive of all students; embrace diversity; facilitate a sense of discovery; report more broadly on student learning and development; and value the contribution each student can make to the programme”. (NCCA)
Sancta Maria College TY programme will:
- Nurture the development of the student as a whole person by building on their previous experiences, through a curriculum designed by the school that is aligned to the TY Programme Statement.
- Create space and opportunities for meaningful, enjoyable learning experiences through which the key competencies of students can be developed in the classroom and school, in the home and local community and in their roles as national and global citizens.
- Expand the student’s experience and awareness of diverse future pathways and nurture the student’s capacity to sustain their growth and development through a process of lifelong learning.
- Evolve continuously to meet the needs of the student through an evidence-informed reflection and renewal process, involving students, teachers, school leaders, parents, and community partners.
The parameters to support schools in developing their TY programme are described through Student Dimensions and Curriculum Dimensions.

The Four Student Dimensions
There are four Curriculum Dimensions.

There are four Student Dimensions.

Transition Year allows students to:
- Bridge the gap between Junior and Senior Cycle
- Lay a solid Foundation for Leaving Certificate Programme
- Enjoy a year free from pressures of State Examinations
- Avail of opportunities to catch up and experience new subjects
- Develop new social, organisational, research and computer skills
- Benefit from work Experience
- Increase their self-confidence and maturity