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Leaving Cert Results 2023

Good afternoon, I hope that all is well with you. As you will be aware, Leaving Cert Results will be...

School Calender & Return Dates for Students 2023/2024

Good afternoon Parents, Guardians and Students,    I am attaching a copy of the school calendar for this school year,...

School Year 2023/2024

We are hoping that everyone is having a great summer. We are busy getting ready for the return of students...

Best of Luck to our Exam Classes

Everyone at Sancta Maria College would like to pass on our best wishes to the 3rd and 6th Year classes...

1st, 2nd, TY & 5th Year Students

We wish all of our students in 1st, 2nd, TY and 5th Year a great summer break and thank you...

Ballyroan Library presents: How Parents can support the student with dyslexia at second level.

Ballyroan Library: How Parents can support the student with Dyslexia at second level. On Mon. 15th June 2023 @ 6.30 Ballyroan...

Drop Everything and Read – Thursday 11/05/2023

Tomorrow, Thursday 11th May the whole SMC community will ‘Drop Everything and Read’ together for the fifth class period at...

Student Council attend Ceist Conference

Student Council members attended the Ceist Conference in St Patrick’s College Campus in DCU on Wednesday April 19th. When we...

Colours Day: Friday March 24th

We will be having a Colours Day (Non-Uniform Day) on Friday, March 24th.  The money raised will be donated to...

Amber Flag Slogan

The Student Voice Teams are running a slogan competition as part of the drive to achieve an Amber Flag here...